I'm here to offer a wide range of life coaching programs to meet the needs of today’s women.

1:1 Coaching calls, group sessions in Fortitude, and additional downloadable materials. All of this information can be covered in an initial Discovery Session.

Payment plans are available!

Looking for that next step? Want to change your habits and your life? 1:1 Coaching might be the perfect step for you! Let's work through all the things and make life even better.

1:1 Coaching might feel overwhelming. With Fortitude, I would like to introduce you to the place where coaching and community meet.

I am a CERTIFIED life coach. To learn more about my qualifications and certification, use the link below.

1:1 Coaching Programs

The Thriving Life Program

12 Weeks

The Thriving Life Program

*Booked weekly for ease of scheduling

Double Thrive Program

*Booked weekly for ease of scheduling

*50% non-refundable

6 Months

Learn more about what 1:1 Coaching could do for you.

My mission is to encourage each woman to embrace her God-given purpose and discover her best self.

Where coaching and community meet.

Come join a community of like-minded women as we dive into the bible, daily habit implementation, and weekly zooms.

Have you been looking for a community like this? Fortitude might be for you.

I understand this might be totally new to you! Get more comfortable with life coaching and the expectations involved with working with me.

  • "You are the only one I have opened up to about everything. I could sit and listen/talk with you all day. I want to know God more and you have helped me do that though I’m still a work in progress.

    — Brandi J.

  • This was such an enjoyable retreat! The group was small enough for it to be very personable yet there were ladies from all stages of life to share their stories and advice. Kayla did awesome leading this group, especially for being the first time! I look forward to many more chats in the future!

    - Maddison S.

  • Strengthening my relationship with God and being in that "room" with all of those amazing women was a blessing

    - Viki L.

  • Fortitude was a great way to connect with other women yearning to stay in touch with not only God but other women in the hustle and bustle of the day to day of being a Mom, Wife and Homemaker. I loved how Kayla incorporated time for us to connect but kept it chill enough it was not a huge commitment I felt like ever dropping. If you are looking to connect with other women, connect or build your faith and dig into what you were made to be. Fortitude is for you.

    -Whitney L.

  • I need you to know I have learned and leaned more into the Spirit these last 5 weeks than Ihave my whole life. I've never questioned the 3 in 1. It's just been easy for me to believe. And today learning the Spirit is standing with me (poms in hand) testifying for me to God. Wow. Thank you

  • THANK YOU!! I hope you know that you are also so amazing for saying yes to gods plan and letting him heal others and help others through you!! I wouldn't be here without you!

  • ... Just talking and praying, and I found myself righting this verse off of a picture of my phone and diving even deeper than I had before. Not to mention, my bible study just last night was on silence and being still and a discipline of hearing God speaking to Us. Instant mood change, instant feel Better dosage I needed. Just thought I'd share! Truly thankful for you and this process! Forever grateful you chose to do this and God met our paths!!

  • I listened to that podcast you sent last night on my drive to get my in laws dog. It changed my words to my husband from yes I know another rain day (raining today) stops harvest but it could be something your dad needs to take stress away from him on not being here. And putting everything on you to get done. It's just something he doesn't need to focus on today when he has his procedure. Which was huge for me. I normally feel like I get sucked into the whole ugh another rain delay blah blah

  • Celebrating now because I don't want to wait a week! Just had a great meeting with teachers. With all the struggles and concerns we see at home, we don't always know how he's doing at school. He is currently not taking meds for ADHD, and I'm hoping to keep it that way. After talking with them, it seems like we can.

  • I went back to church last night (perks of Catholic and Saturday night service) because of the one reel you shared about the devil not making me sin but making me too busy and he had been doing that and it needed to stop. I needed to stop with the excuses load up the kids and go. Was it pretty, nope but will we go again, yep. Oh wow you